Corporate Security & Site Hardening


The tragic September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks upon the World Trade Center took an entire nation by surprise and left a tremendous wake of damage, death and destruction. The World Trade Center disaster has, more than any event in recent history, dramatically altered the landscape of corporate security in America and throughout the world.

In response to this heightened level of awareness, Verizon, like many large companies, has stepped up the ongoing effort to increase the level of protection provided not only to critical facilities, infrastructure and equipment, but also to its most important asset, its employees. This amounted to a multiyear, multi-million dollar, nationwide initiative aimed at setting the standard for corporate security in this country.

WFC has played a substantial role in the design, advancement and development of Security Standards, consulting on the proposed site hardening design recommendations, preparing the Construction Documents, assisting in the permitting and bidding process, and following through in the construction phase.