Southampton Main Post Office – LEED Gold Certified

LEED Gold Building and Site Design


The guidelines set forth in the Village of Southampton municipality requirements encourage design principles that are intended to provide and maintain the inherent time-honored style of the Village. These strategies purposely encourage unity in design over time, and positively influence architectural style within the existing established context.

WFC’s objective of the new Southampton Main Post Office building is to achieve an integrated design that utilizes customary materials and incorporates traditional style that provides a meaningful response to the community and fits within the existing framework of the Village.  As designers, WFC was challenged to accomplish this while formatting the design to meet the important Postal Service requirements of providing a low maintenance, highly durable building that utilizes long life products and materials.

The LEED and energy efficiency initiatives included in the building and site by the WFC design team, have proven their many advantages over typical commercial construction. Innovative design strategies such as high performance exterior wall and roof assemblies minimize heating and cooling loads and reduce heating and cooling equipment size; site design incorporates the use of bio-swales with native species plantings eliminating the need for traditional onsite storm water management systems; and indoor air quality management results in an improved environment and healthy atmosphere for the building occupants. These important green building design initiatives strongly contribute towards the achievement of lowering over all client costs, in terms of both initial capital expense as well as the continuing operation and maintenance costs of this facility